The other day I came across an fascinating bible passage. On the way to the holy land, Aaron and some elders saw God, and that was shortly before they created the golden calf. That puts the later in an interesting light. Let's dive in ...
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I'm considering a language switch for some of my programs that access native Linux libraries towards Kotlin. The biggest question for me is: How I can tackle this challenge? ... big enough for a little research and an article that might help you as well to pick your favorite.
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It's the day of repentance and prayer and because I live in a region that has it as a public holiday, why not use the time to connect with Gods word.
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Since I learned to create service workers for progressive web apps, I have a specific view on what I want service workers to do and I am used to writing them myself. For Angular there's a package that brings a ready to use service worker. But how can we create and use our own service worker with Angular?
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Some years ago I built my own home automation. Now I finally managed to put up some documentation or rather it's story.
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A week ago I rewrote the lcarsde status-bar to use Kotlin/native and GTK. Here are some lessons learned.
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lcarsde is finally ready! Release 20.3 of lcarswm is out and all the other parts are released with version 20.1.
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Coroutines are a nice way for managing asynchronous processing, except on Kotlin/Native it is not possible to use coroutines on multiple threads at the time of the creation of this article. Nevertheless, it can be quite useful even on the main thread only. This article describes one usecase.
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While programming lcarswm, I ran into a scenario where I would have liked to have something like Java's Closable. But I needed it in Kotlin/Native and I needed it on an application global scale.
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I recently finished my GitHub year, a year with contributions on Github on each day without any exception. It's now one week since that year ended and time to reflect on it.
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lcarswm 20.2 is out, woohoo :-D
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There's already a lot of guides out there about how to adjust your bash prompt. So this article is mostly for me to have easy access to my personal preferred prompt, no matter at which computer I am. But maybe it's useful for you as well.
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Kotlin/Native allows to compile to a native application and use system libraries. Sometimes, this can be a little confusing at first, for example with pointers of pointers ...
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Recently, I tried to use Kotlin and JavaFX together. In this post I'm taking a peek into Kotlin native development with the Kotlin multiplatform plugin.
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What are estimations in agile software development and what are they not? This is nothing new, but something that appears to not be clear to some people; sometimes not even people who (claim to) practice/support agile development.
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I've been experimenting a little with Kotlin over the last few days. Using JavaFX with Kotlin was one of the main topics. This article covers what I've learned.
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Why is it necessary to have your GUI running in a separate thread? This question came to me years ago, when I needed to understand how to use delegators in C#. Why not simply do everything in the same thread? In this post I'll cover some thoughts about usability aspects of GUI threading. There is also a part about Matlab, because that is what triggered me to write this article in the first place.
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After a weekend of unsuccessfully trying to get Haskell using an HTTP package, I decided to finally give Frege a try. And while being at it, why not try FregeFX as well. Another weekend of moments of confusion, frustration and euphoria got me to the initial setup of creating projects with FregeFX in IntelliJ. I put this setup in a template for whomever might need it. Here is the link to the template: FregeFX IntelliJ project template. The following article describes my odyssey into the world of Frege(FX) ...
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I have created a template for presentations in HTML, JavaScript and CSS. You can find it here: Presentation template. Why have I done this?
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It's been a while since I changed to Grav on my website, as well as my home server. Now I have finally succeeded in getting the Kanban board back up and running again on the new home server site.
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Finally, a little time and quite a few things got finished. There are new releases for EnOceanConnector and HomeCtrl.
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Just finished switching from my vServer back to webhosting. I simply had no time for the vServer. Now I only need to wait for the update of the DNS routes and on Tuesday I'm going to shut down the vServer for good. Yay, more speed :).
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The next semester at the Volkshochschule (VHS) Erlangen is starting. I'm there again as well with an introduction seminar for Linux and a JavaFX software project seminar.
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So, the other day I decided to slowly get some focus on a mobile client for my home automation. Not that there is much to do, because it's all automated, but I could at least show some data. Normally I like web interfaces as a GUI for the simple fact, that it can be used on every device that has a browser. This time I decided to try an Android app and to make it a little more fun and challenging, make an app with JavaFX for Desktop and Android. Here I'll ignore IOS devices completely, for the single reason that I prefer to work with Linux and Android systems.
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A while ago (December or January) I put a forwarding on the webspace of my old webhoster to this page. Because it's still active, I feel a certain need to say this. The forwarding is still temporary! My current guess is, that my domain will still point to my old webhoster until the middle of July (end of contract). I asked kindly to make this change earlier, but the response was very negative. Well, it's only about two more months.
FYI: I also need to adjust my email address that time, so it might not work for a day.
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I released EnOceanConnector version 1.0.1
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COM 2.1.0 and HomeCtrl updates are available.
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The new EnOceanConnector version **1.0.0** is out.
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Grav is a solid CMS for static pages. But what to do if you have dynamic content ... lot's of it ...?
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