lcarswm 20.2

lcarswm 20.2 is out, woohoo :-D

The latest changes include:

  • Application menu in the normal mode primary screen. Starting with that, there's finally some use for the features around the windows. The application shows the currently opened windows. It's using Python 3 with Gtk, so that was added to the installation requirements.
  • has been removed. Instead, there is now a settings.xml that contains not only the command key bindings, but also the key bindings for the window manager commands and the first general window manager settings. The settings.xml is placed in ~/.config/lcarswm/.
  • So far the log has always been written to /var/log. This behavior changed. It will now be written to ~/.cache/lcarswm/

Another important change is the license is now GPL-2.0.

For the other changes and the current features checkout the readme and the changelog in There you can also get the new release.